Danny Williams
Number One in Seven Decades of Radio
Four Decades of Television

 Danny Williams 1970's
Danny Williams

During the 1970's, several artists who became national figures, broke in their act or developed their craft on "Dannysday", including the "Oak Ridge Boys", Danny Cooksey, Argus Hamilton and "Entertainment Tonight's" Mary Hart, who was Danny's co-host for three and one half years. As a matter of fact, Mary Hart gives Danny Williams a great deal of credit for her training.
"Dannysday" out-rated the network soap operas "All My Children" and "The Young and Restless".
In 1979, Dan formed Dan D. Dynamo Enterprises, Inc., (Dynamo), a Public Relations/Marketing Firm. Dynamo has remained active throughout the years to the present.

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 Tribute to Danny

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Wheel of Fortune

Copyright 1997-2011 Dan D. Dynamo Enterprises, Inc.